About Me

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Massillon, Ohio, United States
My wife, Mary Pat, and I are Directors of Frontline Ministries International and Pastors of Frontline Worship Center. Our heart's desire is to see people healed up on the inside by our Father's amazing love in order to be increasingly free to partner with Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit to reach out in that beautiful love to save, heal, and deliver the lost, sick, and oppressed. Obedience that comes from a mutually loving partner relationship trumps an obedience that comes from a striving commitment to God's will!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Deception vs. Truth Part 1

and Truth cannot occupy the same spiritual space at the same time (adapted statement from Graham Cooke). 

Deception Attributes                                           Truth Attributes

self-absorption/ focus on self                             identity in Jesus
negative emotions/bondage                              freedom/fruit of the Spirit
circumstances/situations/problems rule     overcoming
problems are a problem                                     problems are overcome
discouraged                                                          encouraged
grieve/quench/resist Holy Spirit                  submission to Holy Spirit                                       
rebellion                                                                loyalty
unworthiness                                                       worthy/treasure
cheap date                                                             extravagant courting
orphan                                                                   son/daughter
angry/sad/mad                                                   glad/joyful dancing
death(process of sin)                                          life(process of grace)
sin conscious/-centric                                       God conscious/-centric
God is a heavenly tyrant                                  God is a Heavenly Father
habits/additions rule                                        His habitation rules
a prison                                                                a cruise
pittance                                                                abundance
mindless/confusion                                          mind of Christ/on things above
foolish                                                                   wise
critical                                                                  positive affirmation    
complaining/grumbling                                 praising/thanksgiving
(language of Hell)                                             (language of Heaven)
religion/cerebral faith                                    experience/encounter presence 
weak                                                                    strong
fear                                                                      faith/trust
worry/anxiety                                                  peace
diving/falling                                                   rising on eagle's wings
drowning                                                           rescued
empty                                                                 full
words alone                                                      action    
faith alone                                                         works/faith in action
vulnerable to attack                                       refuge(place of safety)
target                                                                 armored warrior
poor                                                                    rich
lack of cover/ open field                               fortress/high ground    
poverty/lack                                                    provision/abundance
debt/deficit                                                      source/resource
lame/crippled                                                  jumping/leaping/praising God
victim                                                                victorious
alone                                                                  partner w/God
demonic influence/oppression                   delivered
sick                                                                      healed
wimp                                                                  warrior
desert                                                                 dessert
stolen from/murdered/destroyed             gifted/protected by Holy Spirit
hiding                                                                open/transparent
double-minded                                                single-minded
natural                                                              supernatural
etc.                                                                      etc.

1) Some of what you feel/believe strongest about is just plain wrong - process of unlearning is necessary.

2) Some of your habits or pieces of your lifestyle that you are most comfortable with are destructive to you - process of allowing the natural to transform into the supernatural.

3) All of the lies that you have believed about God and yourself are totally counterproductive to becoming more like Jesus - process of sanctification(accepting and relying on the mind of Christ as a gift to become more like Jesus in thoughts/attitudes/action). 

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