I am asking myself today, and more and more often as life flies by...... Are you being led by the Spirit of God....acting like a son representing your Heavenly Father.....or are you ignoring, resisting, quenching, or grieving Him? Holy Spirit, what do you say about this thought? Holy Spirit, what do you say about this conversation? Holy Spirit, what do you say about this decision?
Enemy's Marching Orders: run and retreat
Spirit's Marching Orders: attack and advance
Prune me, Lord, so I will be far more radical and far less nominal! Prune me, Lord, so I will be far more dependent on You and far less independent for myself! Prune me, Lord, that I will be far more submissive to God-given authority and far less dis(s)missive of said authority! Bring abundant life o' True Vine to produce luscious fruit from my branch!
Present Yourself for Pruning = Abundant Fruit John 15
Can you hear the song? It's your Father singing. Rejoicing over you! Dancing over you! It's your Father's song.
He is singing from the courtroom. Imparting peace to you with love. Angels join Him on the chorus. Celebrating your life from above!
Excuse me...... Fear is our enemy, not our friend! Run from fear as a debilitating foe, not toward fear as an empowering friend. Fear always weakens, never strengthens...... By the way, fear incorporates such negative expressions as worry, fretting, agitation, control, manipulation, anger, lack of peace, panic, blame, judgment, impulsive decisions, etc. who are its willing partners.
If you are avoiding and hiding from radical and righteous spiritual leaders, then it is a given that you are also avoiding and hiding from Father God despite your protests to the contrary.
Sternly telling the saints to obey, obey, obey without offering the romance of falling deeply in love with Jesus, increases performance and religion without an increase of the Spirit's power and revelation. Jesus didn't say to Peter, "Will you obey me?" He asked him, "Do you love me?" God can do far more in us and through us when we fall deeply in love with Him (not in feelings, but in passionate surrender) than if we just strive to obey out of obligation or duty. John 14:21-24; John 21:15-17
You can let your fleshly mind rule over your Holy Spirit energized spirit and determine that the grass IS greener on the other side, but if you make the leap of flesh and actually jump the fence, you will find, upon inspection, that the turf is fake......plastic......astro-turf. Holy Spirit l...e...a...d...s ----> our flesh PUSHES......DEMANDS!!! The Prodigal Son in Luke 15: 11-32 found this out and had to be rescued by Father's love to find true contentment in Sonship. Take the preventative, healing medicine to avoid the devastating disease of discontentment!
Don't wait for JOY......run after it......chase it down......aggressively tackle it.......then abandon yourself to dance on it and in it.......celebrating your conquest!
In case anyone is wondering this morning...... there is no easier way to repentance than to repent. There is no easier way to humility than to humble myself. There is no easier way to submission than to submit. There is no easier way to following Jesus that to listen to Holy Spirit and follow.
"Don't judge me" or "You are judging me" is often the cry of the person building his own little kingdom. "Search me, O God, and know my heart" is always the cry of the person building the Father's Kingdom. Ps. 139:23
A person building his own little kingdom is on a continual, agonizing search for significance. A person building the Father's Kingdom has found his fullest identity freely in Jesus.
You get sick and tired when you are building your own little kingdom. You get empowered and inspired when you are building the Father's Kingdom.
Talk will always be the cheapest part of following Jesus (especially posting the profound sayings of revivalists as my Facebook posts). The most expensive part is allowing Jesus to radically live in me.......but sacrificial investment yields great reward! Gal. 2:20
So many orphaned tumble weeds carried about by every contrary wind; so few father farmers to help plant their roots deep within.....good soil. Thank you, Lord, that you are raising up many more faithful Kingdom fathers!
The cleansing in the presence of God is the best shower of the day!
A spiritual father is called to warn a child about putting his finger near the flame of the burner on the stove, looking both ways before crossing the street, and running with scissors......Some may think that they have outgrown such helpful advice, but is it part of the blessing of protection given by their Heavenly Father working through His chosen leaders.
Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but deceitful are the kisses of an enemy. Proverbs 27:6 Friends are not people who agree with you and soothe you when you face the consequences for being you at your worst; they are the ones that call you to a higher place to be you at your best despite your resistance!
People who are constantly run by their emotions.... "Listen to my feelings, world!" build high walls against the very deep Father's love that they so desperately need! Building one's own little Kingdom with decrees that keep Father's love (and those that share it) at arm's length vs Receiving with humility the Kingdom of God within, including Father's amazing affection. I will promote the latter......
Happy New Year to family, friends, and all those warriors who are connected in relationship with Frontline Ministries International. Richest Blessings and Favor from a Father that loves to give such good gifts to those who have received His invitation to "Come Home." May many more respond to His loving invitation in 2013!
Enemy's Marching Orders: run and retreat
Spirit's Marching Orders: attack and advance
Prune me, Lord, so I will be far more radical and far less nominal! Prune me, Lord, so I will be far more dependent on You and far less independent for myself! Prune me, Lord, that I will be far more submissive to God-given authority and far less dis(s)missive of said authority! Bring abundant life o' True Vine to produce luscious fruit from my branch!
Present Yourself for Pruning = Abundant Fruit John 15
Can you hear the song? It's your Father singing. Rejoicing over you! Dancing over you! It's your Father's song.
He is singing from the courtroom. Imparting peace to you with love. Angels join Him on the chorus. Celebrating your life from above!
Excuse me...... Fear is our enemy, not our friend! Run from fear as a debilitating foe, not toward fear as an empowering friend. Fear always weakens, never strengthens...... By the way, fear incorporates such negative expressions as worry, fretting, agitation, control, manipulation, anger, lack of peace, panic, blame, judgment, impulsive decisions, etc. who are its willing partners.
If you are avoiding and hiding from radical and righteous spiritual leaders, then it is a given that you are also avoiding and hiding from Father God despite your protests to the contrary.
Sternly telling the saints to obey, obey, obey without offering the romance of falling deeply in love with Jesus, increases performance and religion without an increase of the Spirit's power and revelation. Jesus didn't say to Peter, "Will you obey me?" He asked him, "Do you love me?" God can do far more in us and through us when we fall deeply in love with Him (not in feelings, but in passionate surrender) than if we just strive to obey out of obligation or duty. John 14:21-24; John 21:15-17
You can let your fleshly mind rule over your Holy Spirit energized spirit and determine that the grass IS greener on the other side, but if you make the leap of flesh and actually jump the fence, you will find, upon inspection, that the turf is fake......plastic......astro-turf. Holy Spirit l...e...a...d...s ----> our flesh PUSHES......DEMANDS!!! The Prodigal Son in Luke 15: 11-32 found this out and had to be rescued by Father's love to find true contentment in Sonship. Take the preventative, healing medicine to avoid the devastating disease of discontentment!
Don't wait for JOY......run after it......chase it down......aggressively tackle it.......then abandon yourself to dance on it and in it.......celebrating your conquest!
In case anyone is wondering this morning...... there is no easier way to repentance than to repent. There is no easier way to humility than to humble myself. There is no easier way to submission than to submit. There is no easier way to following Jesus that to listen to Holy Spirit and follow.
"Don't judge me" or "You are judging me" is often the cry of the person building his own little kingdom. "Search me, O God, and know my heart" is always the cry of the person building the Father's Kingdom. Ps. 139:23
A person building his own little kingdom is on a continual, agonizing search for significance. A person building the Father's Kingdom has found his fullest identity freely in Jesus.
You get sick and tired when you are building your own little kingdom. You get empowered and inspired when you are building the Father's Kingdom.
Talk will always be the cheapest part of following Jesus (especially posting the profound sayings of revivalists as my Facebook posts). The most expensive part is allowing Jesus to radically live in me.......but sacrificial investment yields great reward! Gal. 2:20
So many orphaned tumble weeds carried about by every contrary wind; so few father farmers to help plant their roots deep within.....good soil. Thank you, Lord, that you are raising up many more faithful Kingdom fathers!
The cleansing in the presence of God is the best shower of the day!
A spiritual father is called to warn a child about putting his finger near the flame of the burner on the stove, looking both ways before crossing the street, and running with scissors......Some may think that they have outgrown such helpful advice, but is it part of the blessing of protection given by their Heavenly Father working through His chosen leaders.
Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but deceitful are the kisses of an enemy. Proverbs 27:6 Friends are not people who agree with you and soothe you when you face the consequences for being you at your worst; they are the ones that call you to a higher place to be you at your best despite your resistance!
People who are constantly run by their emotions.... "Listen to my feelings, world!" build high walls against the very deep Father's love that they so desperately need! Building one's own little Kingdom with decrees that keep Father's love (and those that share it) at arm's length vs Receiving with humility the Kingdom of God within, including Father's amazing affection. I will promote the latter......
Happy New Year to family, friends, and all those warriors who are connected in relationship with Frontline Ministries International. Richest Blessings and Favor from a Father that loves to give such good gifts to those who have received His invitation to "Come Home." May many more respond to His loving invitation in 2013!
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