About Me

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Massillon, Ohio, United States
My wife, Mary Pat, and I are Directors of Frontline Ministries International and Pastors of Frontline Worship Center. Our heart's desire is to see people healed up on the inside by our Father's amazing love in order to be increasingly free to partner with Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit to reach out in that beautiful love to save, heal, and deliver the lost, sick, and oppressed. Obedience that comes from a mutually loving partner relationship trumps an obedience that comes from a striving commitment to God's will!

Quick Thoughts for the New Year 2014


How about for 2014 we refuse to enter any people-pleasing popularity contests this year, but take the low road of humility (James 4:10) in spending time to hear what Holy Spirit is truly saying and see what Jesus is really doing.

Our Own Little Kingdom

How about for 2014 we tear down little kingdoms we have built for ourselves with the castle walls keeping out the people we want to shut out, with the moat dividing us from the radical lifestyle that Jesus calls us to, with the streets leading us to personal pleasure (James 4:1-3) rather than sacrificial giving, with the laws of the land and household rules we have created to insulate our lives with our priorities and not His, and with our happiness instead of His joy being ultimately important. Instead, let’s build His Kingdom (Matthew 6:33) with hearts of love and open arms, pouring ourselves out to the hurting, the poor, the sick, the confused, the demonized, the despondent, and the discouraged with the anointing and the energy supplied by the Holy Spirit! (Luke 9; Matthew 10)

Playing Politics

How about for 2014 we realize that a person will never meet success who tries to play politics with God. Opinion poll results do not influence Him. Special interest groups and issue voting blocks do not impress Him. Passionate pleas on personal position papers do not persuade Him. Corrupt campaigns to gain voting majorities do not cause Him to change the truth. Manipulating the masses with nauseous negative advertising does not move Him. Political patronage based on devious delegating sickens Him. He is the ultimate “no spin zone.”  (Numbers 23:19)

Squeaky Wheels

How about for 2014 we realize that, generally, those that complain the most in the church, do the least (or have a very negative attitude in the doing at the very minimum!). The squeaky wheel screams for the grease, but it causes great friction as it does, and slows down the forward progress of the locomotive pulling the rest of the train…..choo choo! (Just ask Moses…..although, I’m sure, he would have gladly received a train with tracks leading directly to the Promise Land, since he had to endure squeaky wheels (Numbers 14:27) anyway!
Philippians 2:14, 15

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