About Me

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Massillon, Ohio, United States
My wife, Mary Pat, and I are Directors of Frontline Ministries International and Pastors of Frontline Worship Center. Our heart's desire is to see people healed up on the inside by our Father's amazing love in order to be increasingly free to partner with Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit to reach out in that beautiful love to save, heal, and deliver the lost, sick, and oppressed. Obedience that comes from a mutually loving partner relationship trumps an obedience that comes from a striving commitment to God's will!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Why it is Ok to be a Single-Issue Voter: Part 2 -Numbness, Civil Rights, and the Forgotten Lost

When it comes to the subject of abortion, there seems to be such a numbness that sets into the proponents of this unconscionable, murderous action taken against the most defenseless treasure that the Creator has directly fashioned (Psalm 139: 13-16). As we have heard many times, this terroristic invasion of the womb is referred to simply as a "procedure." The "choice" of the mother is referred to as a "right,"  a civil right and/or a privacy right. However, it is more than legitimate to take away this free ability to choose death for a personhood she didn't create, but was created within her after her first "choice" in the process. In other words, she has a "choice" in the procreation (in the vast majority of cases), but not the creation. It is analogous to saying things like, "I should be allowed to kill a close family member if that "choice" would mean a better, freer, more prosperous life for me." Or, "If it is an inconvenience to have this close family member blocking my personal yellow brick road to a better life, then I should be able to "choose" to have he or she removed from the earth." Is it any wonder that since 1973,  the hot debate over euthanasia and even the unthinkable, infanticide, have increasingly been deemed acceptable topics of discussion in a supposedly "civilized" society.

A dulling of the heart of compassion becomes the norm for so many people after hearing the lies of abortion supporters repeated over and over. "We want to reduce the number of abortions," they often declare to placate the impassioned supporters of life. Really? That is like saying to the firemen that come to put out a fire, "We sincerely want the raging fire to go out so we will help the firemen by spraying gasoline on the flames......vote pro-choice!" Or the sham of a supposedly lofty-sounding debate is often proposed, "We believe that life should be supported in all its contexts to be consistent, so if you are pro-life, you need to be against any war, and all capital punishment, also." Interesting...... Doctors with the permission of a mother acting legally on an morally indefensible decision by seven powerful judges in 1973 (judgment was made only respecting perceived constitutional law, not morality) invade the most sacred sanctuary on earth to destroy a voiceless and defenseless live entity fashioned by the Creator after the most intimate of  human acts. This very personal choice to murder is being compared with two traditional actions of the state. It definitely is a smokescreen litmus test to add confusion in the debate, rather than a valid argument to consider spending lots of time discussing (while more lives are annihilated to the tune of an estimated 167 a minute during the deliberations).

There is such a deception that sets into the minds of those so easily accepting the immorality of abortion. There is no question that it is a spiritual deception. It is a clever lie of the enemy of mankind that has been dressed up as a very moral action to help the poor, defend women, and build a more stable society. But the loss of beautiful human life cannot be replaced after the termination has been finalized. 42-52 million lives snuffed out from our population since 1973 cry out from eternity. Odds are one may have been a genius to cure cancer or AIDS. One may have had the strategy to avoid (or solve) our national economic troubles. A terrific President or two may have been lost. Excellent and unique artists, engineers, scientists, architects, entrepreneurs, doctors, nurses, teachers, pastors, missionaries, mothers, fathers are gone forever. The list never ends; the possibilities are almost limitless. At the very least, extremely valuable human beings have been destroyed by an intolerable massacre that has been blandly approved as an acceptable option for unwanted pregnancies. A generation now exists with a gaping wound in its heart that will never heal; can never be treated. Only the new knife blows to the same wound can be prevented. When life is the topic, shouldn't we be as conservative as possible? If just one human life in the womb has been lost unrighteously according to the One responsible for all moral absolutes, then it is, of course, one too many! It is a moral outrage to simply dismiss these lives as "non-living tissue," "collections of cells," etc. The Creator begins creating life from day one, not after the first or second trimester. The womb is one of His Holy of Holies which no human hand should violate with a calculated malicious intent.

What are your comments? How do you see it? How does this important issue enter into Your Ultimate Kingdom Destiny?

Next Installment: What about the poor, rape, incest, and the life of the mother?

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