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Massillon, Ohio, United States
My wife, Mary Pat, and I are Directors of Frontline Ministries International and Pastors of Frontline Worship Center. Our heart's desire is to see people healed up on the inside by our Father's amazing love in order to be increasingly free to partner with Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit to reach out in that beautiful love to save, heal, and deliver the lost, sick, and oppressed. Obedience that comes from a mutually loving partner relationship trumps an obedience that comes from a striving commitment to God's will!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Why it is Ok to be a Single-Issue Voter if that Issue is Abortion: Part 1

You often hear that opponents of pro-choice, abortion-related social and political positions should be dismissed with contempt for being  "single issue voters." However, there are numerous valid reasons for being a single issue voter (especially in elections for President/Vice President and U.S. Congress). 

First, let's be clear that the issue of abortion is so impacting that it crosses over the boundaries of many intellectual, emotional, social, economic, political, moral, scientific, and spiritual questions and issues, easily linking each in a logical chain with the others. It cannot stay in just one stream of debate, but it naturally flows into so many other raging waters. Whenever any facet of the abortion debate is rehashed, it elicits a firestorm of reaction from the opposing viewpoint in the discussion because it touches so many "hot-button" issues at the same time. Take for example the issue/question of "When does life begin?" as it relates to the abortion discussion. This issue/question inevitably invites intense commentary from many angles of the facts-beliefs-opinions spectrum. Faith and morality become involved. Science becomes involved. Intellect becomes involved. Social, economic, and political concerns are voiced. All viewpoints are extremely emotionally charged because the stakes aren't just a negative economic impact on a group. It is not just a voting rights problem, nor a social standing issue that is the concern. But it is a question of life and death for a significant voiceless constituency within our populace.

Yes, what about that voiceless constituency? Would they appreciate some single-issue voters standing up for them? By the sheer magnitude of their numbers (an estimated 42-52 million since January 22, 1973), they are arguably the largest disenfranchised group in American history. With our present population at just over 300 million, they represent about 1/6 of the US populace. What other issue directly, and so drastically, impacts such a massive number of our citizens. You can see why the discussion of when life begins is so emotionally charged. Because if these entities were all considered living, breathing human beings (as in Psalm 139), then American doctors (who have taken the Hippocratic oath) would be culpable as terrorists who have viciously invaded the most sacred sanctuary on earth, the human womb, at the request of the person these little ones may have trusted the most had they been born - their mother.

Another way to look at this is to consider all the wrangling that has gone on about the involvement of US citizens (military personnel) in the Iraq war since it's beginning in 2003. Though extremely tragic, there have been just over 4,000 U.S. lives lost to date in that military conflict. You expect to lose lives in military conflicts whether the conflict is considered right or wrong. There were about 60,000 KIA and MIA in Vietnam. There were about 405,000 total US deaths in WWII (combat deaths, plus deaths due to disease, etc.) and 625,000 total deaths in our bloodiest, disease-ridden conflict - the Civil War (where every casualty in the war was an American on both sides). Even in the Holocaust during the Nazi years of terrorizing Europe, the estimated 6 million innocent Jews, that deplorably lost their lives, are exceeded in multiplied millions by those innocents who were mortally affected inside the womb by the worst form of domestic terrorism (instituted by the US Supreme Court decision of Roe vs Wade in 1973 in violation of their oath of office). An estimated 4,000 US citizens a day are disposed of by terrorists dressed in the garb of compassionate medical personnel. What a travesty of human justice and God's beautiful, amazing creation!

What are your comments? How do you see it? How does this important issue enter into Your Ultimate Kingdom Destiny?

Next Installment: Numbness, Civil Rights, and The Forgotten Lost


Kim said...

Beautifully expressed all of my own held convictions about being a one issue voter. I have, and always will be, a one issue voter as I passionately view that a person's view regarding the protection of life, no matter where that life resides, colors every other opinion and decision in that person's life. If I cannot believe in the sanctity of life or be trusted to protect innocent life, how can anything else I say, no matter how good it may sound, ever be trusted? We can never trust that anyone has our best interests in mind if their core belief is not interested in whether we have a right to live when we are most vulnerable. If I must trust someone to represent my best interests, that person had better be willing to protect me when I cannot speak for myself, ie., I am voiceless! Who will speak up for the voiceless ones? Please vote for life!!

Pastor Bill Gokee said...

Kim, thanks so much for commenting. I felt you nailed the trust issue so well. If I were close to death and unable to speak, I would sure want any person trying to give me medical aid to strongly be in the pro-life camp! Vote for the voiceless!

Karl Moore said...

When I first tried to write a response to single issue voter I found it difficult to begin because it might seem I would be defending abortion and that is not what I wish to do. Nor did I believe that simply by the power of my oratory skills or the power of my arguments that some how I was going to change people‘s opinions. I do believe that God will show me what is correct to say .
I wish to know why people feel that by getting lots of people to stand and yell one way or the other on an issue is going to win the day. But by focusing so narrowly on a single issue they fail to realize they tend to allow accompanying issues to overtake and defeat the moral and social significant points of their arguments. I should remind people that it was the Scribes and the Pharisees who were the moralist. Christ spoke of love and forgiveness.
The problem with single issues voters is that they are so certain of the morale justification of their cause that they never check / verify that the cause they desire / support actually accomplishes what they seek to accomplish. And when the opposite results occur they ignore the actual results or gloss over the facts to continue to justify their course of action. We are right and will continue until We shall get our way. We are told to love the sinner not the sin. We are to be forgiving not to sit in judgment. As we seek justice we should not forget that if we are subject to God’s judgment we all are guilty and have fallen short.
Single issue proponents often too narrowly define their issue by doing so they fail to examine total effect the legislation is going to have. As with Pro-Life proponents they fail to look at how the legislation they propose as it relates to the mother’s health actually harms the unborn.
If the life that is being carried in the womb of a woman and the womb is so sacred why is the legislation that Pro-life groups champion too often care nothing for the woman in whose womb the child resides. They allow people to write legislation that purports to defend the unborn but does the legislation really protect the unborn child. During the nine month period the child is dependent on its mother. As the child develops it is affected by both the good and bad health habits of its mother . We have emphasized to woman not to smoke, drink, take illegal drugs and be careful of the prescription drugs they use as these can also adversely affect the child.
Your argument assumes that God has ordained that all life is to be born. It seems to say that all life will be born and enjoy some arbitrary length of time on this planet. It ignores all the data on enfant mortality in this world. What is the number of miscarriages that occurs every year. You referenced Psalm 139 to say that life begins at conception but in Psalm 139 the issue is not when life begins but one of predestination he is not consider alive until he was born. When verses 15th and 16th are taken in context with the entire chapter it is clear that God knew of everyday of our lives before a single day has happened and from it; it is clear that the counting of his life does not begin until the day he leaves the womb and is born.
A question what if you have a fire on a porch in the community that the neighbors put out. Seeing the danger the community bands together and hires professional Fire Fighters to protect the community. But the methodology the Fire Fighters incorporate results in an entire neighborhood burning to the ground. Does the community continue to take the advice of these Fire Fighters or look for other Fire Fighter who may have a different perspective.
Single issue voters tend to fail to address the short comings or the negative repercussions of the choices they make. The number of abortions have increased over the past 8 years but we continue to put our faith in human leadership that continues to lead us down the same path.
It matters not that the problem worsens. The problem is acerbated by their actions. Their methods prevent any other course of action because they believe in the righteousness of their actions. No one may disagree with the moral certainty of their cause. Any other action that might at least reduce or possibly eliminate the problem is dismissed. As those who go out on their noble moral and just cause do not seem to care that they exhibit the same behavior, methods and attitudes that are contrary to what God has ask of us.
As single issue voters whether they realize it or not they continue to put their faith in men. If we elect this person because he/she expounds the key words that will make me forget all others issues. The one issue that will make me believe that he is the moral candidate running.
We say we believe in God but we continue to follow those whom spout the hypnotic phrases that will make us follow like sheep. That through faith in God all things are possible but we continue to gather the mob. We stand across the street and yell and scream that justice is our cause. We yell in opposition to the competing mob yelling on the other side saying their cause is just and true.
I read where you explained that part of your mission for Frontline was “Our heart’s desire is to see people healed up on the inside by our Father’s amazing love in order to be increasingly free to partner with Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit to reach out in that beautiful love to save, heal, and deliver the lost, and oppressed.
Do we actually believe that all things are possible through Jesus Christ. God asks difficult things of us not simply the easy things. Jonah did not wish to leave where he was comfortable. Where people were readily willing to accept his message. But that was not where God wanted him to go.
Shall we finally act as Christ showed us. Can we be the lone voice in the dark speaking of God’s love and forgiveness and offer a hand of hope saying “come God loves you and God will show you the way.”

Pastor Bill Gokee said...

Thank you, Karl, for commenting,,,,, Some thoughts for your consideration are presented, I assure you, without increasing the volume of my voice one decibel.

Let's go to the Bible first, please. Psalm 139 explains the fact (no personal opinion) that Father God creates life (v. 13 -16). He is not watching the process, He is the initiator. Life is God's business, not man's. We just receive it as a gift. Should we trust (rely on man) to mess with Eden again? Didn't mankind already receive that opportunity and it brought only death?

Concerning the Pharisees, promoting morality was not the problem that Jesus had with the Pharisees (He was the greatest moralist who ever lived because He saturated His moral teaching with love, mercy, and forgiveness). It was the religious, self-righteous way they did it. He called them hypocrites because they refused to listen to Father like He did. They said some good stuff, but didn't live it from the heart. They said some bad stuff and refused to see it didn't fit with the law that incorporated and superseded all others - love the Lord God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and your neighbor as yourself.

Secondly, I'm a pastor and ministry leader with a high calling and commission from the Lord Jesus Christ. I am responsible to tune in carefully to hear the voice of revelation that the Lord gives on a vast array of subjects. That is what preaching is all about. If my personal opinions are shared, I try to note them. When I don't have revelation from God on a matter when counseling, then I should point a person to Holy Spirit to reveal His best for them or to bring a blessed solution to their situation. Many times, Holy Spirit will give me revelation, but not the permission to share it. Many times I have revelation and the permission to share it, but the person may indicate, in a variety of ways, they don't want to hear it, which I need to respect, unless I am directed by Holy Spirit to tell then anyway.

Abortion doesn't fit any of these scenarios. I don't have to spend time tuning in to the voice of Holy Spirit for revelation in the case of abortion. I don't have to seek His permission to share revelation on this topic. He has already broadcast it clearly in Scripture. The problem is in the receiving of it. A person must have ears to hear and eyes to see....spiritual. Opinions are natural and (you are right) will not make much difference because the flesh profits nothing. Revelation is spiritual and can bring Kingdom realities to the minds and hearts of man.....when it is received.

Thirdly, I essentially stopped putting my faith in men (probably very imperfectly) when I received Jesus as Savior. The biggest "man" I had to stop relying on was me. Now, I am pursuing a life of increasingly trusting my Father in every area of life. I certainly don't rely on politicians or their promises. They are imperfect men and women, and are often grievously flawed in some key character areas. However, if they stand for the unborn....yes, for the life created by a Holy God described in Ps 139, then they are standing with revelation from God (whether they know it or not). Since this has affected more of our families than any other issue.....the unborn, the mothers, the fathers, the family members, etc.....physically, emotionally, and spiritually..... more than we can ever imagine.....it is the overriding, pressing issue of this generation, bar none.

Finally, standing for righteousness and loving people are not opposing actions. They can work in concert as they did in Jesus. He didn't love sinful acts while loving the sinner. He didn't set aside morally to minister. Abortion is by revelation, wrong. It is as wrong as stealing, lying, fornication, adultery, etc., but forgivable in Jesus Christ. Mercy is there, but it must be received in Jesus Christ. Women who have had abortions are forgivable. Abortionists are murderers, but forgivable. I don't scream at the deceived in the dark; I turn the light on - revelation through Jesus Christ. Saying abortion is neither right or wrong depending on the circumstances and whether or not the legislation is perfectly written leaves the deceived in the dark. I don't scream at the blind; I offer healing - revelation through Jesus Christ. I don't scream at the lost; I show them the way - the revelation of Jesus Christ. This is the true hand of hope - truth wrapped in love.

Kim said...

Karl, I held my breath as I read your entree, waiting for you to say abortion is simply sin and wrong, but you did not. I pray God has given or will give you ears to hear and a heart to understand what Pastor Bill has written along with his response to your entree. As a single issue voter, my heart goes out to all those who have been harmed by abortion. The "all those" I speak about include the mothers, the fathers, the community, the abortion doctors and their staffs, and the unborn children. Father God created them all, and loves them all. We are the expression of His love, and while I may use one hand to stop that of the abortionist, I use the other to take hold of the hand of the mother because our Father wants her to know of His love, also. This issue must always be approached with humility of heart and forgiveness, because that is our Father's heart, not to condemn, but to redeem. And to speak the already revelatory word of God related to life and human creation does not exclude the mother in crisis. I believe Psalm 139 speaks of the mother, too. So when I support someone who professes to support that which is the heart of God, I believe I am doing what He says to do. All of creation shouts of the glory of God, and you must agree, His most precious creation should be protected, in all it's stages. A man or woman's opinion on life overflows into every other opinion or idea he will ever have, therefore single issue voting takes out all the guess work of voting Father God's heart. I know I'm listening to Father when I vote for life. You stated that we focus so narrowly on one issue. I strongly disagree. Life is the issue that covers all the other issues. God bless you.