About Me

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Massillon, Ohio, United States
My wife, Mary Pat, and I are Directors of Frontline Ministries International and Pastors of Frontline Worship Center. Our heart's desire is to see people healed up on the inside by our Father's amazing love in order to be increasingly free to partner with Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit to reach out in that beautiful love to save, heal, and deliver the lost, sick, and oppressed. Obedience that comes from a mutually loving partner relationship trumps an obedience that comes from a striving commitment to God's will!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Song: Sonnet to a Son

In the silence of the womb grows a beautiful little boy
Growing well upon his own; the gift he'll bring is the gift of joy
But his mother doesn't want his gift, for she has made a selfish choice 
She lets his body be torn limb from limb without a vote from his unheard voice

How can you say it?
How can you shout it? 
That abortion is right

You preach for freedom
You scream equality
While you snuff out little lives

Have you viewed his silent scream, as he's burned with salt, or suctioned out
It's become a deadly dream, a nightmare scene without a doubt
But women's lib states that it's ok, because a woman has her right
So the silent voice is never heard; he must surrender without a fight

How can you say it? 
How can you shout it?
That abortion is right

You preach for freedom
You scream equality
While you snuff out little lives

God's handiwork, God's design, His creation formed within
To deny this child the right to live; to erase his name is such a sin
For his mother is a vessel prepared for birth back in Eden
Why believe a lie, steal fruit again from God's own tree in His new garden?

How can you say it?
How can you shout it?
That abortion is right

You preach for freedom
You scream equality
While you snuff out little lives

Your comments?

1 comment:

Pastor Bill Gokee said...

Thanks to Rick Rogers for sending me a video link to a powerful Phil Keaggy song about abortion. Some images may be disturbing, but so is the reality of abortion. I want ALL human life to receive the opportunity to achieve the Father's Ultimate Kingdom Destiny!
