About Me

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Massillon, Ohio, United States
My wife, Mary Pat, and I are Directors of Frontline Ministries International and Pastors of Frontline Worship Center. Our heart's desire is to see people healed up on the inside by our Father's amazing love in order to be increasingly free to partner with Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit to reach out in that beautiful love to save, heal, and deliver the lost, sick, and oppressed. Obedience that comes from a mutually loving partner relationship trumps an obedience that comes from a striving commitment to God's will!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Election and Life 2008

November 4th.......what a day! I began the day with a phone call of life. About 7:15 A.M., I learned that at 5:59 A.M., Judah William Gokee entered the world. Life broke through and took its first breath.......once again. What joy he brings to the hearts of the parents, Josh and Christy! What joy he brings to the hearts of the aunts, uncles, grandparents, and great-grandparents! What joy he brings to friends and well-wishers! What joy he brings to the heart of his Creator! He is a precious gift and a glorious sign that in Father's Kingdom, life always is birthed to win the day!

Then there was the election. Many of my candidates didn't receive the majority votes of man. Many will not be taking office in January. Many will not be able to represent me and so many others who stand for life. Predictions were made. Hope was filled with faith, but mystery still abides in the plans and ways of Father God. I am left once again with the awe-inspiring meditation that His ways are higher than mine; His thoughts are higher than mine(Is. 55:8, 9). I guess my only choice once again is to fully trust my omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent Creator who is God, Father, Brother, Friend, Savior, Shepherd, Healer, Deliverer, and Lord all at the same time, and has an amazing plan for me, my family, and for those to whom I reach out to love (Jeremiah 29:11-13). It is not the first time that I have faced a mystery on this wonderful journey of learning to know and love Him; it won't be the last.

So this morning I am reflecting on the elections that I have voted in as I have traveled through adulthood. It is rather interesting to me that the Presidential candidate I voted for in 10 elections won exactly 50% of the time. Two Presidents during that time faced some impeachment proceedings against them, and I had voted for neither one. One President resigned from office and, yet, this was the President that started a process that eventually ended a war early. This meant my draft number was so high, I was not called up to enter that war. As I look back, 20% of my votes for President were flat out wrong (according to my present stand on issues, my philosophy of government, and my beliefs as molded by Holy Spirit). In all of this, Jesus has remained King, the Father remained positioned on the throne. The plans of the Godhead have not been taken by surprise, frustrated, adjusted, or threatened in any way. Instead, He weaves the strands of history and the eras of time into a beautiful tapestry that we often can only see the backside of with its loose ends dangling haphazardly in seeming disarray. After all, time is in His hand. Past, present, and future are all before His eyes at the same time. As they say in Jamaica, "No worries."

So, rather than entrusting part of the battle for life to like-minded (I hesitate to say, "like-spirited," since they are politicians, for sure) representatives,  I must increasingly take the responsibility to ask Holy Spirit what I should do to passionately and boldly state the case for life in America. I will trust my Father to give me the wisdom and strength to make a difference in a society that increasingly accepts the fact that we can choose to throw away children who are inconvenient, since we have devised our own code of morality to replace our loving Heavenly Father's revelation. I will gladly accept the personal responsibility to bring Kingdom realities to desperate women (and men) in the throes of confusing choices, by pointing them to a Shepherd Father who loves them unconditionally and desires to provide them with living water and abundant pasture, rather than a graveyard. I will joyfully choose to contend for the glorious light of intimacy in order to navigate through a maze where the natural lights seem even dimmer this morning.

My precious grandchildren have survived and are thriving in an Egypt where so many evil schemes wish to crush their lives inside their woven-reed baskets. Love has accomplished miracles that evil is powerless to stop. If we are alert and vigilant on the wall in our generation as watchmen (and watchwomen) of our King, we will have the privilege of participating in the impossible becoming possible on a daily basis. Welcome to the battle, Judah William Jacquet! Not a casualty in the struggle for life, but part of a end-time army of mighty reinforcements who will be led by and filled with the Spirit of the Most High!

If you have read this, please comment

1 comment:

cljacquet said...


Never knew about your blog officially. Christy had it up and I read it. Oh what reflections on the birth of Judah, for me as well. Thanks for being a blessing!

